Earth and Planetary Science Letters

Tran et al. 2023

Tran T.-D., Wang K.-L., Kovach V., Kotov A., Velikoslavinsky S., Popov N., Dril S., Chu Zh.-Y., Lee D.-C., Kuo L.-W., Iizuka Y., Lee H.-Y. Plate tectonics in action in the Mesoarchean: Implication from the Olondo greenstone belt on the Aldan Shield of Siberian Craton // Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 2023. V. 603. A. 117975.

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Partin et al. 2013

Partin C.A., Bekker A., Planavsky N.J., Scott C.T., Gill B.C., Li C., Podkovyrov V.N., Maslov A., Konhauser K.O., Lalonde S.V., Love G.D., Poulton S.W., Lyons T.W. Large-scale fluctuations in Precambrian atmospheric and oceanic oxygen levels from the record of U in shales // Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 2013. V. 369-370. P. 284-293.

Johnston et al. 2012

Johnston D.T., Poulton S.W., Goldberg T., Sergeev V.N., Podkovyrov V.N., Vorob’eva N.G., Bekker A., Knoll A.H. Late Ediacaran redox stability and metazoan evolution // Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 2012. V. 335-336. P. 25-35.

Goncharov et al. 2012

Goncharov A.G., Ionov D.A., Doucet L.-S., Pokhilenko L.N. Thermal state, oxygen fugacity and C-O-H fluid speciation in cratonic lithospheric mantle: new data on peridotite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite, Siberia // Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 2012. V.357-358. P. 99-110.

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