Journal of Geology

Melezhik et al. 2009

Melezhik V.A., Pokrovsky B.G., Fallick A.E., Kuznetsov A.B., Bujakaite M.I. Constrain on 87Sr/86Sr of Late Ediacaran seawater: insight from high-Sr Siberian limestones // J. Geol. Soc. London. 2009. V. 166. № 1. P. 183-191.

Slagstad et al. 2006

Slagstad T., Melezhik V., Kirkland C.L., Zwaan K.B., Roberts D., Gorokhov I.M., Fallick A.E. Carbonate isotope chemostratigraphy suggests revisions to the geological history of the West Finnmark Caledonides // J. Geol. Soc. London. 2006. V. 163. № 2. P. 277-289.

Bea et al. 2006

Bea F., Montero P., Gonzalez-Lodeiro F., Talavera C., Molina J., Scarrow J., Whitehouse M., Zinger T. Zircon thermometry and U-Pb ion-microprobe dating of the gabbros and associated migmatites of the Variscan Toledo Anatectic Complex, Central Iberia // J. Geol. Soc. London, V.163. 2006. pp.847-855

Bea, Montero, Zinger 2003

Bea F., Montero P., Zinger T. The Nature, Origin, and Thermal Influence of the Granite Source Layer of Central Iberia // J. Geol. 2003. V. 111, No 5. P. 579-595

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