Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society

Machev et al. 2022

Machev P., Macheva L., Plotkina J., Salnikova E., Stifeeva M., Peycheva I. Cambrian magmatism in the Vlahina Mt. (SW Bulgaria) – correlation with the Vertiskos Unit (Serbo-Macedonian Massif) // Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society. 2022. Vol. 83. No 2. p. 41-50.

Macheva et al. 2023a

Macheva L., Machev P., Plotkina J., Salnikova E., Stifeeva M. Sm-Nd age determination of eclogites from Sredna Gora Mountains – HP metamorphic event or final retrogression // Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society. 2023. Vol. 84. No 2. p. 57-61.

Vassileva et al. 2019

Vassileva R.D., Grozdev V., Peytcheva I., Machev P., Plotkina Y., Quadt A. U-Pb garnet geochronology of grossular-diopside skarns from the Central Pirin batholith // Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society. 2019. V. 80. Pt. 3. P. 88-90.

Stavrev et al. 2019

Stavrev M., Peytcheva I., Hikov A., Vassileva R.D., Quadt A., Guillong M., Grozdev V., Plotkina Y. Geochronology of garnet-bearing skarns from the region of Babyak and Galabovo, Western Rhodopes (Bulgaria) // Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society. 2019. V. 80 Pt. 3. P. 83-85.

Grozdev et al. 2019

Grozdev V., Vassileva R.D., Peytcheva I., Quadt A., Plotkina Y. U-Pb dating and chemical composition of garnets from the southern parts of Srednogorie zone // Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society. 2019. V. 80 Pt. 3. P. 69-71.

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