Council of Young Scientists

The Council of Young Scientists of the IPGG RAS is a society based on free membership and cooperation. The Council represents interests of young employees and postdoctoral students of the Institute. The goal of the Council is a creation of conditions for the development of research activities and the promotion of professional growth of young scientists, as well as representation, protection and realization of professional, intellectual, and social interests and rights of members of the Council.

The board

Staff list

Photo Employeesort ascending Departments and organizations Positions and posts Scientific degree Room Phone (local) Phone (city)
Yurchenko A.V. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis, Council of Young Scientists Staff Scientist, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 233
Yakubovich O.V. Laboratory of isotopic geology, Council of Young Scientists Staff Scientist, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 202
Sukhanova M.A. Laboratory of isotopic geology, Council of Young Scientists Engineer, Member of CYS
Stifeeva M.V. Laboratory of isotopic geology, Council of Young Scientists Staff Scientist, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.)
Sitkina D.R. Laboratory of isotopic chemostratigraphy and geochronology of sedimentary rocks, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Secretary of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 213
Shpakovich L.V. Laboratory of geochronology and geochemistry of isotopes , Council of Young Scientists Leading Engineer, Member of CYS 202
Salimgaraeva L.I. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Academic Council, Council of Young Scientists Staff Scientist, Chairman of CYS, Member of AC Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.)
Petrakova M.Ye. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 223
Levashova E.V. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Council of Young Scientists Staff Scientist Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 121 102 328-01-92
Lebedeva Yu.M. Directorate, Laboratory of fluid processes, Academic Council, Council of Young Scientists Academic Secretary, Staff Scientist, Acad. Secretary of AC, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 225, 240 159 328-03-62, 328-47-01, 328-48-01 (fax)
Kushim E.A. Laboratory of lithology and biostratigraphy, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Member of CYS 110 112 328-02-92
Kucherovsky G.A. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Member of CYS Master of Geology, 25.00.04 112
Klimova E.V. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Council of Young Scientists, Trade Union Committee Junior Staff Scientist, Chairman of TUC, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 103 106 328-01-92
Gavrilova A.A. Laboratory of isotopic chemostratigraphy and geochronology of sedimentary rocks, Council of Young Scientists Leading Engineer, Member of CYS
Egorova Yu.S. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Council of Young Scientists Staff Scientist, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 112
Borisova Ye.B. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Member of CYS
Anisimov R.L. Laboratory of petro- and ore genesis, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Member of CYS
Adamskaya E.V. Laboratory of isotopic geology, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Member of CYS