Chekulaev V.P.

Chekulaev Valery Petrovich

IPGG organizations:
Phone (city):
Phone (local):
vpchekulaev [at]
v.p.chekulaev [at]

  • 1955-1960 – student of the geological faculty of the University (Leningrad)
  • 1961-1963 – technician, senior technician of the 5-th geological office (Leningrad)
  • 1963-1966 – post-graduate of the Laboratory of Precambrian geology (Leningrad)
  • 1963-1972 – laboratory assistant, research worker of the Institute of Precambrian geology and geochronology (IPGG)
  • 1972-1984 – scientific secretary of the IPGG
  • 1984-present time – senior, leading, head research assistant
      1969 – Candidate of Science, dissertation «Geology and petrology of the metamorphic rocks of the southeastern part of the Fenno-Karelian anticline …» (speciality 127 – petrography, litology, mineralogy).
      1996 - doctor dissertation «Archaean granitoids of Karelia and their role in continental crust formation of the Baltic Shield» (specialities 04.00.01 - regional geology; 04.00.08 petrography, volcanology).
      Work regions are Karelia, Kola peninsula, Archangel’sk district.
      The subjects of investigations – archaean and palaeoproterozoic plutonic, magmatic and sedimentary rocks.
      The main scientific interests are geology, geochemistry and petrology of early Precambrian magmatic rocks; correlation of archaean rock complexes in space and time.


Proceedings of conferences and meetings


  1. Gorokhov I.M., Losert J., Varshavskaya E.S., Kutyavin E.P., Melnikov N.N., Chekulajev V.P. Rb-Sr geochronology of the eastern part of the Bohemian Massif // Abstracts of Geochronology and Isotope Geology. 1976. № 20.


  1. Semenenko N.P., Scherbak N.P., Shtreis N.A., Harris M.A., Bogdanova S.V., Kratz K.O., Lobach-Zhuchenko S.B., Gorokhov I.M., Chekulajev V.P. Geochronology and principles of subdivision of the Precambrian of the European part of the U.S.S.R // Internat. Meeting for Geochronology, Cosmochronology and Isotope Geology. Abstracts. Paris. 1974.


  1. Lobach-Zhuchenko S.B., Gorokhov I.M., Chekulajev V.P., Koltzova T.V., Krylov I.N., Varshavskaya E.S., Melnikov N.N. Geology and geochronology of the ancient rocks of the Karelia Precambrian, Baltic Shield // ECOG III. Oxford. Abstracts. 1973.


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