Precambrian Research

Glebovitsky et al. 2001

Glebovitsky V.A., Marker M., Alexeev N., Bridgwater D., Sedova I., Salnikova E., Berezhnaya N. Age, evolution and regional setting of the Palaeoproterozoic Umba zone, Kola Peninsula: constraints from new geological, geochemical and U-Pb zircon data // Precambrian Research. 2001. 105. P 247-267.

Cullers, Podkovyrov 2000

Cullers R.L., Podkovyrov V.N. Geochemistry of the Mesoproterozoic Lakhanda shales in Southeastern Yakutia, Russia: implications for mineralogical and provenance control, and recycling // Precambrian Research. 2000. Т. 104. № 1-2. С. 77-93.

Khudoley et al. 2015

Khudoley A., Chamberlain K., Ershova V., Sears J., Prokopiev A., MacLean J., Kazakova G., Malyshev S., Molchanov A., Kullerud K., Toro J., Miller E., Veselovskiy R., Li A., Chipley D. Proterozoic supercontinental restorations: constraints from provenance studies of Mesoproterozoic to Cambrian clastic rocks, eastern Siberian Craton // Precambrian Research. 2015. v. 259. p. 78-94.

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Turchenko S.I. Precambrian metallogeny related to tectonics in the eastern part of the Baltic Shield. // Precambrian Research, 1992, v.58, p. 121-141.

Gorokhov et al. 1981

Gorokhov I.M., Clauer N., Varshavskaya E.S., Kutyavin E.P., Drannik A.S. Rb-Sr ages of Precambrian sediments from the Ovruch Mountain Range, northwestern Ukraine (U.S.S.R.) // Precambrian Research 1981. V. 16. № 1/2. P. 55-65.

Gorokhov et al. 1982

Gorokhov I.M., Varshavskaya E.S., Kutyavin E.P., Melnikov N.N. Rb-Sr dating of low-grade metamorphics in the USSR // Precambrian Research 1982. V.18. № 2. P. 145-156.

Stepanova et al. 2015

Stepanova A.V., Salnikova E.B., Samsonov A.V., Egorova S.V., Larionova Yu.O, Stepanov V.S. The 2.31 Ga mafic dykes in the Karelian Craton, eastern Fennoscandian shield: U–Pb age, source characteristics and implications for continental break-up processes // Precambrian Research. 2015. V. 259. P. 43-57.

Mikhalsky et al. 2015

Mikhalsky E.V., Belyatsky B.V., Presnyakov S.L., Skublov S.G., Kovach V.P., Rodionov N.V., Antonov A.V., Saltykova A.K., Sergeev S.A. The geological composition of the hidden Wilhelm II Land in East Antarctica: SHRIMP zircon, Nd isotopic and geochemical studies with implications for Proterozoic supercontinent reconstructions // Precambrian Research. 2015. V. 258. P. 171-185.

Melezhik et al. 2015

Melezhik V.A., Ihlen P.M., Kuznetsov A.B., Gjelle S., Solli A., Gorokhov I.M., Fallick A.E., Sandstad J.S., Bjerkgård T. Pre-Sturtian (800–730 Ma) depositional age of carbonates in sedimentary sequences hosting stratiform iron ores in the Uppermost Allochthon of the Norwegian Caledonides: a chemostratigraphic approach // Precambrian Research. 2015. V. 261. P. 272-299.

Alfimova et al. 2014

Alfimova N.A., Novoselov A.A., Matrenichev V.A., de Souza Filho C.R. Conditions of subaerial weathering of basalts in the Neoarchean and Paleoproterozoic // Precambrian Research. 2014. V. 241. P. 1-16.


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