Laboratory of geology and geodynamics

Research areas

  • stratigraphic division and correlation of the Precambrian;
  • tectonics and structural-metamorphic evolution of the early Precambrian continental crust levels;
  • lithological and geochemical systematics of Precambrian sedimentary and volcanic formations (lithology, geochemistry, conditions of formation);
  • geodynamic typification of igneous rocks based on integrated geochemical, geochronological and isotopic-geochemical studies;
  • study of regional geology and deep structure, geodynamics and evolution of the continental crust of the most important Precambrian regions of Russia on the basis of geochronological dating of reference structures to reveal stratotypes of the Archean and Proterozoic;
  • development of integrated models for the evolution of the asthenosphere-lithosphere system of ancient shields, investigation of plume-lithospheric interactions in the ancient cratonized regions in the Archean, Early Proterozoic and Paleozoic, evaluation of isotope-geochemical, geochronological and petrological parameters of the mantle processes that led to a change in geodynamic regimes during the evolution of the continental lithosphere and the role of "plume"- and "plate"-tectonic dynamics of the upper mantle and lithosphere

Staff list

Photo Staff member Departments and organizations Positions and posts Scientific degree Academic title Room Phone (local) Phone (city)
Vrevsky A.B. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Academic Council of RAS on Precambrian geology problems, Academic Council, Dissertation Council Head of Laboratory, Principal Staff Scientist, Member of AC RAS PGP, Chairman of DC, Member of AC Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), 25.00.01 237 161 328-47-01, 328-48-01 (fax)
Arestova N.A. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Academic Council, Dissertation Council Leading Staff Scientist, Member of DC, Member of AC Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), 25.00.04 112 113 328-01-92
Arzamastsev A.A. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Academic Council, Dissertation Council Leading Staff Scientist, Member of DC, Member of AC Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), 25.00.09 101 168 328-53-06
Chekulaev V.P. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Academic Council, Dissertation Council Principal Staff Scientist, Member of DC, Member of AC Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), 25.00.04 112 113 328-01-92
Felitsyn S.B. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Dissertation Council Principal Staff Scientist, Member of DC Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), 25.00.09 107 328-43-01
Lobach-Zhuchenko S.B. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Academic Council of RAS on Precambrian geology problems, Academic Council, Dissertation Council Principal Staff Scientist, Member of AC RAS PGP, Member of DC, Member of AC Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), 25.00.04 Professor 112 113 328-01-92
Skublov S.G. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Academic Council, Dissertation Council Principal Staff Scientist, Member of DC, Member of AC Dr. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), 25.00.09 121 102 328-01-92
Alfimova N.A. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics Senior Staff Scientist Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.), 25.00.01 103 106 328-01-92
Babushkina M.S. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Shared Equipment Center AIRES Senior Staff Scientist, Member of SEC Scientific and Technical Council Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 212, 214 131 328-03-62
Berezin A.V. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Trade Union Committee Senior Staff Scientist, Member of TUC Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 121 102 328-01-92
Myskova T.A. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics Senior Staff Scientist Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 113 105 328-01-92
Zinger T.F. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics Senior Staff Scientist Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 103 106 328-01-92
Egorova Yu.S. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Council of Young Scientists Staff Scientist, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 112
Levashova E.V. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Council of Young Scientists Staff Scientist Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 121 102 328-01-92
Salimgaraeva L.I. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Academic Council, Council of Young Scientists Staff Scientist, Chairman of CYS, Member of AC Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.)
Sukhanova K.G. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics Staff Scientist Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.)
Klimova E.V. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Council of Young Scientists, Trade Union Committee Junior Staff Scientist, Chairman of TUC, Member of CYS Cand. Sci. (Geol.-Min.) 103 106 328-01-92
Kucherovsky G.A. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Council of Young Scientists Junior Staff Scientist, Member of CYS Master of Geology, 25.00.04 112
Vrevskaya E.A. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics Leading Engineer
Lvov P.A. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics Engineer
Oboronkova E.A. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics, Trade Union Committee Engineer, Secretary of TUC 113 105 328-01-92
Stetskaya Ye.V. Laboratory of geology and geodynamics Engineer