Russian Journal of Earth sciences

Левашова и др. 2024a

Левашова Е.В., Скублов С.Г., Хамдард Н., Иванов М.А., Стативко В.С. Геохимия циркона из пегматитоносных лейкогранитов комплекса Лагман, провинция Нуристан, Афганистан // RJES. 2024. V. 24. ES2011.

Lobach-Zhuchenko et al. 2003

Lobach-Zhuchenko S.B., Chekulaev V.P., Arestova N.A., Vrevsky A.B., Kovalenko A.V. Genesis of the earliest (3.20-2.83) terranes of the of the Fennoscandian shield // RJES. 2003. V. 5. № 2. P. 75-91.

Grachev, Borisovsky, Zinger 2014

Grachev A.F., Borisovsky S.E., Zinger T.F. Morphology and geochemistry of zircon in bentonite ash at the Paleocene-Eocene boundary in the Anthering Formation, Eastern Alps, Austria // RJES, 2014, V. 14, ES1001, pp. 1-17

Arestova et al. 2003

Arestova N.A., Lobach-Zhuchenko S.B., Chekulaev V.P., Gus’kova E.G. Early Precambrian mafic rocks of the Fennoscandian shield as a reflection of plume magmatism: geochemical types and formation stages // RJES. 2003. V. 5. № 3. P. 145-163.

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