American Journal of Science

Wang et al. 2014

Wang T., Jahn B.-M., Kovach V.P., Tong Y., Wilde S.A., Hong D.-W., Li S., Salnikova E.B. Mesozoic intraplate granitic magmatism in the Altai accretionary orogen, NW China: implications for the orogenic architecture and crustal growth // Am. J. Sci. 2014. V. 314. P. 1-42.

Shtukenberg, Punin, Azimov 2007

Shtukenberg A.G., Punin Yu.O., Azimov P.Ya. Reply to comment: Supersaturation in binary solid solution – aqueous solution systems by M. Prieto, J.M. Astilleros, C.M. Pina, L. Fernandez-Diaz and A. Putnis // Am. J. Sci. 2007. Vol. 307. P. 1046-1050.

Shtukenberg, Punin, Azimov 2006

Shtukenberg A.G., Punin Yu.O., Azimov P. Crystallization kinetics in binary solid solution – aqueous solution systems // Am. J. Sci. 2006. V. 306. N. 8. P. 553-574.

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