Geological Magazine

Melnik et al. 2021

Melnik A.E., Korolev N.M., Skublov S.G., Müller D., Li Q.-L., Li X.-H. Zircon in mantle eclogite xenoliths: a review // Geological Magazine, V. 158, No 8. p. 1371-1382.

Felitsyn, Bogomolov 2020

Felitsyn S.B., Bogomolov E.S. Nd isotope composition of the Ediacaran - earliest Cambrian phosphorite nodules and Fe sulphide from the East European Platform // Geol. Mag. 2020, V. 157(12), pp. 2081 - 2088

Gorokhov et al. 2001

Gorokhov I.M., Siedlecka A., Roberts D., Melnikov N.N., Turchenko T.L. Rb-Sr dating of diagenetic illite in Neoproterozoic shales, Varanger Peninsula, North Norway // Geol. Mag. 2001. V. 138. № 5. P. 541-562.

Ernst et al. 2014

Ernst A., Bogolepova O.K., Gubanov A.P., Hubmann B., Golubkova E.Y. Dianulites (trepostomata, bryozoa) from the early ordovician of Severnaya Zemlya, Arctic Russia // Geol. Mag. 2014. V. 151. P. 328-338.

Melezhik et al. 2008a

Melezhik V.A., Roberts D., Fallick A.E., Gorokhov I.M. The Shuram-Wonoka event recorded in a high-grade metamorphic terrane: insight from the Scandinavian Caledonides // Geol. Mag. 2008. V. 145. № 2. P. 161-172.

Molyneux, Raevskaya, Servias 2007

Molyneux S.G., Raevskaya E., Servias Th. The messaoudensis-trifidium acritarch assemblage and the correlation of the base of Ordovician Stage 2 (Floian) // Geol. Mag. 2007. Vol. 144. P. 143-156.

Sturesson et al. 2005

Sturesson U., Popov L., Holmer L., Basset M., Felitsyn S., Belyatsky B. Neodymium isotopic composition of Cambrian-Ordovician biogenic apatite in the Baltoscandian Basin: implications for palaeogeographical evolution and patterns of biodiversity // Geol. Mag., 2005, v. 142(4), p. 1-21.

Melezhik et al. 2002

Melezhik V.A., Gorokhov I.M., Fallick A.E., Roberts D., Kuznetsov A.B., Zwaan K.B., Pokrovsky B.G. Isotopic stratigraphy suggests Neoproterozoic ages and Laurentian ancestry for high-grade marbles from the North-Central Norwegian Caledonides // Geol. Mag. 2002. V. 139. № 4. P. 375-393.

Felitsyn, Gubanov 2002

Felitsyn S.B., Gubanov A.P. Nd isotope composition of Early Cambrian discrete basins // Geol. Mag. 2002. V. 139. P. 159-169.

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