Bushmin S.A.
Bushmin Sergey Alekseevich
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After graduating in 1971 from the geological faculty of Leningrad State University (department of Geology of deposits of radioactive elements) worked as geologist in the First field expedition of the All-Union institute of exploration geophysics (Leningrad) and took part in geological mapping and exploration of radioactive elements in Karelia and Kola Peninsula. After service in the Soviet army (1972-1974) in 1974 took the post-graduate course in the laboratory of metamorphism of IPGG RAS. Since 1977 has been working at IPGG RAS. In 1979 defended his PhD thesis “Acid leaching at medium temperature regional metamorphism of different depth” (specialty 04.00.08 – petrography, volcanology), the main results of which were published in monographs “Postmigmatitic metasomatism” (1983) and “Pegamatization and metasomatism of andalusite-kyanite-sillimanite facies series” (1978).
Scientific interests – metamorphism, metasomatism and ore formation, fluid regime of endogenic processes, physical-chemical modeling of fluid systems. Took part in geological investigations in many parts of the former USSR, Finland, Sweden, Canada, India, North Korea. At present time deals with the problems of metamorphism, metasomatism and ore formation within the Fennoscandian shield with special attention to petrology and isotope geochemistry of rocks at the deposits of noble and rare metals, as well as theoretical problems of physical-chemical state of fluid systems in the Earth's crust.
- Бушмин С.А., Азимов П.Я., Доливо-Добровольский Д.В. Поведение минералов метаморфических и метасоматических пород в надкритических водных и водно-солевых растворах // Материалы XV Российского совещания по экспериментальной минералогии. Сыктывкар: 2005, с. 143-146.
- Bushmin S.A., Skvirsky A.L. Thermodynamic modeling of fluid chemistry at low-pressure metamorphism. // Water-Rock Interaction. WRI-8 Proceedings. 1995. Vladivostok, Russia. P. 721-724.